Charter in the English language

The statute of the non-profit association Brüder der Ritterschaft Christi von Livland MTÜ was approved by the founding agreement concluded on 15.07.2018.

  1. General Provisions

1.1. The name of the non-profit association is Brüder der Ritterschaft Christi von Livland MTÜ (hereinafter referred to as the association), which is translated into Latin as: Fratres miliciae Christi de Livonia.
1.2. The association is a private legal entity. The association has its own seal, symbols, and bank details.
1.3. The location of the association is the Republic of Estonia, Tallinn.
1.4. The association acts in the public interest and applies the principles of charity in its activities.
1.5. The association operates in accordance with the Non-profit Associations Act. The association uses its income solely to achieve its statutory goals and does not distribute profits among its members.
1.6. The purpose of the association is:
1.6.1. To study and promote the history from ancient times, with the result being an increased awareness of historical events.

1.7. To achieve its goals, the association:

1.7.1. Introduces historical events, including through presentations and film screenings;
1.7.2. Organizes various leisure activities in the spirit of «living history» and fairy-tale events, including festivals;
1.7.3. Organizes language courses and training in various historical crafts;
1.7.4. Conducts excursions, lectures, and informational days;
1.7.5. Reconstructs historical events that took place in the territory of present-day Estonia and other parts of the European continent;
1.7.6. Restores the history of everyday life, religion, military history, manners, architecture, and costume;
1.7.7. Conducts various charitable activities;
1.7.8. Develops cooperation with government institutions, local authorities, and other non-profit and commercial associations.

 2. Property of the Association

2.1. The property of the association includes the things and financial assets owned by the association.
2.2. The financial assets of the association consist of entrance fees and membership fees paid by its members, revenues from events organized to achieve the association’s statutory objectives, donations, and other income.
2.3. The association is liable for its obligations with all its property.

  1. Members of the Association

3.1. Any individual or legal entity whose activities contribute to achieving the goals of the association may apply for membership. To join the association, a written application must be submitted to the board of the association.
3.2. The association consists of regular members and honorary members.
3.3. The board decides on the admission of new members at its next meeting after receiving the written application for membership.
3.3.1. The legal entity submitting the written application must attach a copy of its registered statute.
3.4. If the board refuses to admit an applicant as a member of the association, the applicant may appeal to the general assembly. If refused, the applicant will be notified in writing about the board’s decision and the reasons for the refusal within 5 days from the decision. The final decision on membership will be made by the general assembly with a simple majority of the present members.
3.5. When joining, a legal entity must present its representative to the general assembly.
3.6. Upon admission, the new member is required to pay the membership fee for the current month and sign a statement confirming that they have read the statute. The member must pay the monthly membership fee by the deadline established by the general assembly.
3.7. The amount of the monthly membership fee is determined annually by the general assembly.
3.8. A member has the right to leave the association by submitting a written application.
3.9. The board must respond to a member’s resignation request within 2 months. The member is considered to have left the association on the date the board makes its decision.
3.10. A member can be expelled from the association by the board in the following cases:
3.10.1. If they fail to pay membership fees by the end of the fiscal year;
3.10.2. If their activities harm the reputation and interests of the association;
3.10.3. If they have not participated in any general assembly for the past three years.
3.11. The board must notify the member in writing of its intention to expel them, specifying the reasons, within five days. The member may challenge this decision and appeal to the general assembly. The final decision on expulsion will be made by the general assembly with a simple majority of the present members.
3.12. An honorary member is someone who has made exceptional contributions to the promotion of history and the development of cultural values. An honorary member is elected by the general assembly and has the right to vote at general meetings. Honorary members are exempt from paying membership fees.
3.13. The board maintains a membership register, which includes the details of the members of the association.

  1. Rights and Obligations of Board Members

4.1. The Board is the governing body of the Association.
4.2. The Board shall:
4.2.1. manage the activities of the Association;
4.2.2. implement decisions made by the general meeting;
4.2.3. ensure the proper organization of the Association’s finances and accounting;
4.2.4. represent the Association in external relations.

4.3. The Board Member shall:
4.3.1. perform the obligations and decisions arising from the statutes and decisions of the general meeting and the board;
4.3.2. inform the board about necessary data for the membership register and update the board about any changes to this data no later than one month after the changes;
4.3.3. pay the monthly membership fee.

  1. General Meeting

5.1. The highest authority of the Association is the general meeting.
5.2. The general meeting’s competencies include:
5.2.1. amendments to the Association’s statutes;
5.2.2. amendments to the Association’s objectives;
5.2.3. election of board members;
5.2.4. election of the audit committee;
5.2.5. election of honorary members.
5.3. A notice of at least 14 days must be given for the convening of the general meeting. The notice shall include information on the date, location, and agenda.
5.4. The general meeting shall be convened by the board at least once a year.
5.5. The board may convene an extraordinary general meeting under the following circumstances:
5.5.1. at its own initiative, if the interests of the Association require it;
5.5.2. at the request of at least 1/10 of the members;
5.5.3. at the request of the audit committee.
5.6. The general meeting may make decisions if all legal and statutory requirements are met. A decision is considered adopted if more than half of the participants vote in favor. Amendments to the statutes require the consent of more than 2/3 of the participants, and amendments to the Association’s objectives require the consent of all members. Decisions regarding the merger, division, or termination of the Association require the consent of at least 4/5 of the members.
5.7. The general meeting shall elect an audit committee, which shall:
5.7.1. monitor the compliance of the statutes with the activities of the board;
5.7.2. monitor the activities of the Association and conduct an audit of the Association’s finances at least once a year and inform the board and general meeting of the results.
5.8. Each member of the general meeting has one vote. A member may vote in person or through a representative with written authorization. Only another member of the Association can represent a member.
5.9. A protocol shall be prepared for the general meeting, which shall be signed by the chairman and the secretary.

  1. Board

6.1. The board is the ongoing governing body of the Association and is accountable to the general meeting.
6.2. The board consists of between one and five members, and its composition is elected by the general meeting for a term of three years.
6.3. A board member must be a natural person, and at least half of the board members must reside in Estonia.
6.4. The board shall elect a chairman from its members, and the chairman must be a citizen of Estonia. If the board consists of only one person, this person shall assume the role of chairman. The board organizes the activities and development of the Association, and all board members have the right to represent the Association in legal matters.
6.5. The competencies of the board include:
6.5.1. admitting and expelling members;
6.5.2. maintaining the membership register;
6.5.3. organizing accounting in compliance with accounting laws;
6.5.4. hiring and dismissing the Association’s employees;
6.5.5. preparing and presenting the financial statements and activity report to the general meeting;
6.5.6. making decisions on other matters.
6.6. The board shall hold meetings regularly, at least once a year.
6.7. The board makes decisions by a simple majority of the members present. The board may make decisions without holding a meeting, and a decision is considered adopted if 2/3 of the board members vote in writing in favor.
6.8. After the fiscal year, the board shall prepare a financial report, which shall be presented to the audit committee and the general meeting. The annual report shall be approved by the general meeting.
6.9. The board may hire an executive director.
6.9.1. The rights and obligations of the executive director shall be determined by the board;
6.9.2. the executive director may only represent the Association based on a power of attorney;
6.9.3. the executive director shall participate in the meetings of the board and the general meeting.

  1. Dissolution of the Association

7.1. The merger and division of the Association shall take place under the conditions and in accordance with the legislation. The Association can only merge with another non-profit organization and can only be divided into non-profit organizations.
7.2. The activities of the Association may cease:
7.2.1. by decision of the general meeting;
7.2.2. if there are fewer than two members in the Association;
7.2.3. in case of bankruptcy;
7.2.4. for other legally prescribed reasons.
7.3. To request the registration of the dissolution of the Association, the board must submit an application containing the minutes of the general meeting.
7.4. Upon the dissolution of the Association, the board is responsible for the liquidation, unless the general meeting makes a different decision.
7.5. Upon the dissolution of the Association, any remaining assets and funds shall be transferred to another non-profit organization, foundation, or legal entity that pursues the same or similar objectives as the Association.

  1. Final Provisions

8.1. Brüder der Ritterschaft Christi von Livland MTÜ shall be registered in the register of non-profit organizations and foundations.
8.2. Matters not regulated by these statutes shall be resolved in accordance with the applicable laws.
8.3. The Association’s fiscal year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st.

Unofficial translation of the statute of the association.